Ge Yan / Kaku

I am a current graphic design student pursuing BFA in Graphic Design at RISD. I came from Shanghai, China and now based in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. I am a graphic designer, illustrator and photographer.

Brand Identity 品牌设计
Package Design 包装设计
Photography 摄影
Poster 海报
Publication 书籍 / 出版设计
Other 其他

Resume 简历
Portfolio 作品集


Eng / 简

Wechat / 微信:kakuo3o


Marching Band

Vinyl Record Book:
Inspired by Second-Hand Record Stores

The book design is based on the memory of visiting a second-hand record store, transforming the presentation of vinyl records to paper material arranged like marching bands. French binding is used, with the album spine design on the folds for better memory recall. Inner page colors correspond to the color of the vinyl disc and album names are printed on the back, creating a puzzle-solving experience. The color system reflects the condition of second-hand vinyl records and the year of their publication. This design aims to evoke nostalgia and resonate with music fans.

Perfect Binding with French Fold

Color and Surface with Richard Rose
RISD 2022

Publication / Book Design & Poster